If You Have Been Accused of Perpetrating Sexual Violence

Learning that you are involved in a sexual violence case can stressful, scary, and emotional. Providence College provides a range of resources, services, and support for students and employees who have been accused of perpetrating sexual violence.


If you feel you are in immediate danger of harm by another person or yourself, call the Office of Public Safety at 401-865-2222. It is important that physical and emotional needs are met first. 

Support and Assistance 

The investigation process can be overwhelming and complicated.  There are many people at the College who are available to address mental, physical, emotional, and academic needs including:  

  • Provide emotional support and processing after an incident. 
  • Explain and provide academic accommodations including course load reductions or withdrawals.  
  • Send discreet absence notifications. 
  • Make requests for flexibility and/or alternative participation to faculty and supervisors. 
  • Safety planning. 
  • Short-term emergency housing accommodations or housing changes. 
  • Address questions and concerns about institutional policy and procedure. 

The Title IX Coordinator is ready to provide this assistance or connect you with the resources who can. Please reach out to the Title IX Coordinator to be connected to any of these resources.

Additional Student Resources

Confidential resources are confidential by law or by professional standards. These services will not share any identifiable information with the Title IX Coordinator, Public Safety, the police, parents, or anyone else without permission first, except in cases where there is concern of imminent harm to yourself, someone else, or the campus community. Confidential resources for student respondents at Providence College include the Personal Counseling Center, the Office of the Chaplain, the Student Health Center and the Title IX Campus Advocates. Click here for Confidential Resource Contact Information.

Even if a resource is not confidential, all student information will be handled in accordance with the regulations established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and maintained on a need-to-know basis.

Dean of Students Office (Not Confidential)
Slavin 201
Phone: 401.865.1782
Dean of Students Office

Additional Employee Resources

New Directions Employee Assistance Program (*confidential)
Lucet Employee Assistance Program (login code: providencecollege).
Conversations with the Lucet Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are privileged and confidential; they will not report what employees have disclosed to them about an incident to the College or to local law enforcement unless legally obligated to do so.

Human Resources
Harkins 302
Phone: 401.865.2987
Office of Human Resources

Simone Tubman

Interim Title IX Coordinator
Harkins 312