Education & Initiatives
Providence College is committed to offering our community programming, resources and events that educate and build awareness about sexual misconduct. We’re constantly developing and evaluating our programming and initiatives, so if you have thoughts on different ways to reach out and educate our PC community, we welcome your suggestions. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator to share your ideas. Listed below are initiatives, programs and materials recently conducted and/or currently available to the PC community.
First Year Students
- Vector SafeColleges “Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduates” (online prior to fall arrival)
- Fall Orientation – Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention program
- Fall Orientation – Step UP! Friar Family Bystander Intervention Program
- Vector SafeColleges “Consent and Bystander Intervention” (completed by first year students as part of Housing Selection process during spring semester)
Students – All Class Years
- Vector SafeColleges “Sexual Assault Prevention: Healthy Relationships” (completed by sophomores as part of Housing Selection process during spring semester)
- Resident Assistant (RA) and Hall Director Training
- Ongoing Bystander Training (Club Sports, Orientation Leaders/RAs)
- Title IX Education & Discussion Sessions (Student Congress)
- Huddle Up (Varsity Athletics – Bystander Training)
- It’s On Us (Varsity Athletics – Men’s Basketball, Men’s Ice Hockey, Men’s Lacrosse)
- Pre-study abroad orientation
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming (April)
- Resources Stickers (on-campus male and female bathroom stalls)
- Ongoing meetings and training for Title IX Deputy Coordinators
- Board hearing training for faculty and staff members
- Title IX New Hire Orientation training for new faculty and staff members
- Training/education at faculty departmental meetings
- Faculty/Staff – ongoing training for faculty & staff groups about reporting resources
Culture of Respect NASPA Initiative
Providence College enrolled in the NASPA (National Association for Student Affairs Administrators) Culture of Respect program in the spring of 2019. The Culture of Respect is NASPA’s key initiative to build the capacity of educational institutions to end sexual violence through ongoing, expansive organizational change. The program is a six-pillar* strategic road map that engages students, faculty, administrators, health professionals, athletes, and other campus stakeholders in implementing leading practices to shift campus culture to one that is free from sexual violence.
Providence College identified a 50-person Culture of Respect Campus Leadership Team (CLT) which included students, faculty, and staff across all divisions of the College. Guided by the NASPA Culture of Respect team, the CLT completed a comprehensive self-assessment evaluation that allows institutions to inventory their efforts to prevent and respond to sexual violence.
Results of this assessment drove the creation of the Sexual Violence Advisory & Implementation Task Force, who oversees the implementation action plan developed as a result of the Culture of Respect initiative. The Sexual Violence Advisory Implementation Action Plan outlines key goals and objectives for achieving meaningful programmatic and policy changes. While the first version of this plan was approved in Fall 2019, the effort to address campus sexual violence is an ongoing and iterative process, and the CLT continues to meet to update and revise the action plan as necessary.
*Six Pillars: Clear Policies, Multitiered Education, Public Disclosure, Schoolwide Mobilization, Self-Assessment, Survivor Support
Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey
- A sexual violence campus climate survey was administered in Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2018, and Spring 2022. Results are shared with the campus community via community presentations, and members of the College community may view the survey results on the MyPC Portal. The next campus climate survey is planned for Spring 2025.
- If you are interested in additional information about the Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

National Resources, Programs & Initiatives
- The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE
- The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC): information and resource center regarding all aspects of sexual violence
- Male Survivor: preventing, healing and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence works to improve community response to domestic violence and, ultimately, prevent its occurrence.
- The Red Flag Campaign is a public awareness campaign designed to address dating violence and to promote prevention on college campuses.
- Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness provides education and training for communities to respond effectively to women who are experiencing relationship abuse.
- The Network/La Red: a Boston organization offering information on LGBT domestic violence in English and Spanish.
- The New York City Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project provides resources, training and publishes an annual domestic violence report.
- Right to Be (formerly Hollaback!)is a movement to end harassment powered by a network of local activists around the world.
Simone Tubman
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Harkins 312